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On this site, there is only displayed the English speaking sessions of the TDWI München digital. You can find all conference sessions, including the German speaking ones, here.
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- Montag
20.06. - Dienstag
21.06. - Mittwoch
Have you ever ordered a product on Amazon websites and, when the box arrived, wondered how you got it so fast, how much it would have cost Amazon, how much carbon it emitted and what kinds of systems & processes must be running behind the scenes to power the whole operation?
Let’s take a look behind the scenes and open the doors of Amazon Data and Analytics teams to explore how the combination of our people and our advanced algorithms are working together to deliver to our customers millions of diverse products every day all across the globe.
From the moment we order products from our vendor partners, until we deliver to our customer doorsteps, we use dozens of systems, pieces of software, Machine Learning algorithms and Petabytes of data to optimize our operations. Together, they orchestrate what we call our fulfillment network and optimize the reliability, delivery speed, cost and carbon emissions of our products, packages and trucks.
Together, we will follow the journey of a customer order, and dive into the different steps of our fulfillment operations:
- Forecasting how much volume will flow on our network
- Buying the right quantities and placing our inventory at the right location
- Designing an efficient outbound network
- Executing operational excellence to delight customers
We strive to be the earth’s most customer centric company, today let’s take a look into what it means!
Dominique Vitali is Director of the EU Customer Experience team at Amazon and in charge of Supply Chain and Transportation network optimization through analytics for the European customers – Delivery accuracy/Delivery
Speed/Fulfillment Cost Reduction/Carbon Intensity reduction. Managing a team of 25 analysts, program managers and data scientists.
What does it take to operationalize machine learning and AI in an enterprise setting? This seems easy but it is difficult. Vendors say that you only need smart people, some tools, and some data. The reality is that to go from the environment needed to build ML applications to a stable production environment in an enterprise is a long journey. This session describes the nature of ML and AI applications, explains important operations concepts, and offers advice for anyone trying to build and deploy such systems.
Target Audience: analytics manager, data scientist, data engineer, architect, IT operations
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of data and analytics work
Level: Basic
Extended Abstract:
What does it take to operationalize machine learning and AI in an enterprise setting?
Machine learning in an enterprise setting is difficult, but it seems easy. You are told that all you need is some smart people, some tools, and some data. To travel from the environment needed to build ML applications to an environment for running them 24 hours a day in an enterprise is a long journey.
Most of what we know about production ML and AI come from the world of web and digital startups and consumer services, where ML is a core part of the services they provide. These companies have fewer constraints than most enterprises do.
This session describes the nature of ML and AI applications and the overall environment they operate in, explains some important concepts about production operations, and offers some observations and advice for anyone trying to build and deploy such systems.
Mark Madsen is a Fellow in the Technology & Innovation Office at Teradata where he works on the use of data and analytics to augment human decision-making and evolve organizational systems. Mark worked for the past 25 years in the field of analytics and decision support, starting with AI at the University of Pittsburgh and robotics at Carnegie Mellon University. He is also on the faculty of TDWI.
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What is Data Mesh? Join Starburst for an introduction into this modern approach to managing analytics at scale. Data Mesh embraces decentralisation over-centralisation, meaning it allows companies to become more efficient in accessing and exploiting data as a core architectural approach.
Andy ist EMEA Head of Partner Solutions Architecture and Data Mesh Lead bei Starburst. Andy unterstützt das schnell Wachstum von Technologiepartnern in Europa und im Nahen Osten und arbeitet u.a. mit Data Reply, AWS, Google Cloud, Red Hat und Thoughtspot zusammen.
Mit mehr als 20 Jahren Erfahrung in analytischen und datenorientierten Funktionen liegt Andys besonderer Fokus auf der Frage, wie der Nutzen von Analytik, die analytische Kultur und die analytischen Prozesse eines Unternehmens durch Technologien wie Self-Service-Datentools, Cloud- und Streaming-Analysen optimiert werden können.
Seit Jahren setzen unsere Kunden auf die Ab Initio Plattform zur Datenintegration, Datenbewirtschaftung und für Data Governance.
Der Fokus liegt dabei auf komplexen Systemlandschaften, und schon jetzt nutzen viele Kunden ihre Metadaten für die Governance.
Der nächste Schritt ist es nun, diese Metadaten auch viel mehr für die Steuerung der Produktionsprozesse und somit Automatisation und Self-Service zu verwenden.
Ein solches System stellen wir Ihnen in diesem Vortrag live vor.
Voilà: Active Metadata!
Seit 17 Jahren arbeitet Peter als Architekt mit Kunden weltweit an der Planung und Umsetzung von großen und komplexen Systemen.
Besonders angetan hat es ihm dabei die Definition und Umsetzung dieser Systeme mit Hilfe von Metadaten.
Vor langer Zeit hat er sich beschäftigt mit Data Mining und dem wissenschaftlichen Höchstleistungsrechnen.
Fast jeder Beitrag zu moderner BIA fängt mit dem Satz an 'Noch nie wurden so viele Daten wie heute gesammelt'. Es gilt als Daumenregel: Willst du Machine Learning machen, musst du viele Daten sammeln. Da wird man schon fast zum Spielverderber, wenn man das Thema Datenlöschungen anspricht. Erfahren Sie, warum es trotzdem wichtig ist, dieses eher unliebsame Thema als Spezialfall einer Data Governance auf die Tagesordnung zu setzen.
Zielpublikum: CDOs, CISOs, IT-Leiter, Datenschutzverantwortliche
Voraussetzungen: Grundlegendes Verständnis von Datenintegrationen und Datenschutz
Schwierigkeitsgrad: Einsteiger
Christian Schneider ist der Director Data & Analytics bei der QuinScape GmbH. Als Consultant und Projektleiter war er langjährig in internationalen Großprojekten tätig und kennt die vielfältigen Herausforderungen unterschiedlichster Integrations- und Analytikszenarien aus der praktischen Arbeit. Als Speaker und in Publikationen beleuchtet er die Aspekte des Aufbaus von nachhaltigen Dateninfrastrukturen mit einem im späteren Betrieb überschaubaren Kostenrahmen durch eine zielorientierte Data Governance.
The setup of a decentral function-based data governance requires time, shapes a continuous learning organisation and grows data capabilities and competence in the functions. Through these means a sustainable data culture is established and anchored, which plays a particular role in realising the strategic corporate goals, such as the digital transformation of processes.
Target Audience: Data Governance Manager, Data Passionist, CDO, CIO, Data Analytics Specialist
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of the Data Governance
Level: Basic
Leonie Frank has worked in data management for the past 10 years for companies like Google and Swarovski and supported others in her role as a consultant. Her passion is to drive activities related to data management not only to roles and responsibilities, standards and guidelines but also to data architecture, data quality and data performance. Leonie’s goal is to enable teams that help to increase data maturity allowing to safeguard and utilise data as a company asset. She holds a degree in International Business Administration, a master in International Political Economy from the University of Warwick in the UK, a certificate in Statistics and one in Applied Information Technology from ETH in Switzerland. Leonie lives in Zurich and loves fine cooking and dining as well as mountaineering.
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Missing data leadership, lack of vision, data-unliterate business units, data in silos, no data- and analytics-governance - The symptoms of a missing data strategy are unmistakable. Whilst organizations strive to exploit the benefits promised from data & analytics, corporate well thought data strategies are rather an exception than rule. We would like to exchange best practices and experiences for designing & implementing sustainable yet pragmatic data strategies for organizations.
Target Audience: Practitioners for data strategy consulting, (Data-) decision makers in organizations, Data leaders, BI & AI team leaders
Prerequisites: Experience and knowledge in the area of analytics, BI or AI; data use cases
Level: Basic
Extended Abstract:
TOC draft
- Overview elements of a data strategy
- Typical initial situations in organizations
- Toolkits and methodologies when designing data strategies
- Exchange of experiences & best practices
Jens is a seasoned Data Scientist and Strategist with more than 15 years of professional experience in generating business value from data using Analytics, Data Science & AI. He led many data projects with measurable success for renowned international clients. Today, he helps organizations to design and implement data strategies for their digital transformation journeys.
Boris and his team are working passionately to drive the adoption of solutions and processes that enable people to make healthy, data driven decisions. These approaches cover the entire data value added chain starting from raw data to sophisticated Business Intelligence Applications or AI solutions based on modern data science.
Künstliche Intelligenz ist schon längst dem Pionierzeitalter entwachsen. Doch um mit dem Einsatz von KI einen echten Mehrwert für das Unternehmen zu schaffen, kommt es auf die qualitativ hochwertige Bereitstellung von Daten an. Hier kommt ML Engineering ins Spiel - ein Konzept zur Bewältigung der hohen Komplexität von Daten bei der Entwicklung von KI-Systemen. Im Vortrag wird eine ML Engineering Roadmap vorgestellt, mit der dieses häufig unterschätzte und doch so kritische Konzept erfolgreich eingesetzt werden kann.
Zielpublikum: Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Unternehmer mit praktischem KI-Interesse
Voraussetzungen: Interesse an KI- und ML-Themen, Grundlagen- bis fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse in den Bereichen Data Science und/oder Data Engineering
Schwierigkeitsgrad: Fortgeschritten
Lars Nielsch ist als Principle Solution Architect Analytics & Cloud bei Adastra tätig. Nach seinem Studium der Angewandten Informatik an der TU Dresden ist er seit 1998 in der BIA-Beratung tätig. Seine besonderen Interessen liegen in den Themen Enterprise BI, Large Databases, Data Engineering (ETL-Design), Data Science (MLOps) und Big-Data-Architekturen (Data Vault, Data Lake, Streaming).
As the data mesh paradigm takes the industry by storm, the conversation deep dives into the architecture, neglecting the socio-organizational element. Data driven organizations must invest not only in infrastructure but also data organization and culture.
Target Audience: Executive, senior business managers
Prerequisites: None
Level: Basic
Jennifer Belissent joined Snowflake as Principal Data Strategist in early 2021, having most recently spent 12 years at Forrester Research as an internationally recognized expert in establishing data and analytics organizations and exploiting data's potential value. Jennifer is widely published and a frequent speaker. Previously, Jennifer held management positions in the Silicon Valley, designed urban policy programs in Eastern Europe and Russia, and taught math as a Peace Corps volunteer in Central Africa. Jennifer earned a Ph.D. and an M.A. in political science from Stanford University and a B.A. in econometrics from the University of Virginia. She currently lives in the French Alps, and is an avid alpinist and intrepid world traveler.
There’s so much Data Mesh theory, but most organisations need more strategic guidance on how to implement it. Join this session to guide you learn how to cultivate a Data Mesh mindset when transforming from a data & analytics strategy towards a data-driven organisation.
Andy ist EMEA Head of Partner Solutions Architecture and Data Mesh Lead bei Starburst. Andy unterstützt das schnell Wachstum von Technologiepartnern in Europa und im Nahen Osten und arbeitet u.a. mit Data Reply, AWS, Google Cloud, Red Hat und Thoughtspot zusammen.
Mit mehr als 20 Jahren Erfahrung in analytischen und datenorientierten Funktionen liegt Andys besonderer Fokus auf der Frage, wie der Nutzen von Analytik, die analytische Kultur und die analytischen Prozesse eines Unternehmens durch Technologien wie Self-Service-Datentools, Cloud- und Streaming-Analysen optimiert werden können.
Artyom has taken the role of Managing Director of Data Reply beginning 2022, having previously led the Big Data Business Unit and served as the company Technical Lead. Since then, Data Reply’s focus has been on building scalable Data Platforms, Event-Driven Applications and ML Applications. He himself has been involved in a range of Data driven and ML use cases and has been the Lead Developer and primary architect for a variety of large-scale Data Platforms used by large organizations from different Industries.
This activity is suitable for data warehouse developers, BI managers, and data architects who want to take the fastest, safest, most secure path to create, manage and adapt Data Warehouses, Data Marts, Data Vaults, and Data Lakes.
Attendees will enjoy a fast-paced, interactive workshop using WhereScape's automated code generator and best-practice templates to build a fully functional and documented data warehouse.
You will be set up with your own instance of WhereScape and a target database via a virtual machine and then guided through real-world development scenarios as if you were part of a professional data engineering team. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about the latest data automation technologies and how they can help you streamline your data architecture.
The real magic of AI lays in well managed data to build and train the underlying models. Accordingly, streamlined data management process are essential for success in AI. In this session we are going to discuss data management for AI and ask questions like 'What is data management for AI?', 'Are there difference to well-known approaches from BI & Analytics' and 'Do we need special AI data engineers?'.
TDWI Community Talk is an open format to discuss current topics in the area of data analytics within the TDWI community.
Target Audience: All data entheusiasts
Prerequisites: No prerequisites
Level: Basic
Extended Abstract:
The area of artificial intelligence is currently trending and transforms BIA landscapes in many organizations. There are many new initiatives and promises, however, to build all these fancy applications a well-thought data management is necessary. Nevertheless, the discussion of AI often focuses various models and cool programming languages and the underlying data engineering is often neglected. This is why this session focuses data management for AI and discusses approaches and best practices with the TDWI community.
The goal of this session is:
- Give the audience an overview what 'Data Management for AI' means and what basic terms are.
- Discuss current best practices and challenges with experts and the audience.
- Reflect different views on differences between processes in AI and BI, the role of a data engineer, software tools and many more.
The 'TDWI Data Schnack' is an interactive format that wants to engange the discussion in the TDWI community. It provides a plattform that highlights different aspects of a current topic and inspires discussions between experts and other community members. Therefore, the course of a Data Schnack session contains a short introduction talk that introduces a basic understanding of the topic. Followed by a panel discussion with experts from different fields. Lastly, an open discussion integrates the audience to share knowledge between all participants.
Julian Ereth is a researcher and practicioner in the area of Business Intelligence and Analytics. As a solution architect at Pragmatic Apps he plans and builds analytical landscapes and custom software solutions. He is also enganged with the TDWI and hosts the TDWI StackTalk.
Timo Klerx ist Gründer und Data Scientist von und bei paiqo und hilft Kunden bei der Konzeption und Umsetzung von Projekten im Bereich Artificial Intelligence / Data Science / Machine Learning.
Die ersten Berührungen mit AI hatte Timo in einem Forschungsprojekt zur automatischen Manipulationserkennung von Geldautomaten.
Bevor er sein eigenes Startup gründete, sammelte er Erfahrungen in einem anderen Data Science Startup und fokussierte sich dort auf den Bereich Machine Analytics inkl. Use Cases wie Predictive Maintenance und Predictive Quality.
Weiterhin engagiert sich Timo bei diversen Data Science Meetups in Paderborn, Münster und gesamt NRW.
Malte Lange ist Produktverantwortlicher für Data Analytics bei der Finanz Informatik, dem zentralen Digitalisierungspartner in der Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe.
Die Schaffung von datengetriebenen Banking Lösungen ist seit 2019 sein Themenschwerpunkt. Unter anderem verantwortet er die omni-channelfähige Kundenansprache „Next Best Action“ für die digitale Finanzplattform OSPlus und sorgt für die Weiterentwicklung der zentralen Data Analytics Plattform für analytische Anwendungsfälle im OSPlus. Gemeinsam mit Partnern in der Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe entwickelt er neue datengetriebene Lösungsansätze für Sparkassen, um das Potential vorhandener Daten zu realisieren.
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Forecasting events using time series analysis is used in a variety of fields, from stock prices and sales forecasts to weather forecasts and patient disease progression. However, time series analysis is fundamentally different from other machine learning (ML) methods. In this hands-on workshop, we will use freely available data to look at the entire life cycle of such an ML project, from data, to model training, to use of the trained model, to MLOps and model drift.
Maximum Number of Participants: 16
A laptop with the latest version of Google Chrome is required for participation.
Target Audience: Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Citizen Data Scientist, Business Analysts, Data Analysts, business users, curious people
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of time series problems (demand forecast etc.) as well as machine learning (training and scoring),
Level: Basic
Dr. Homa Ansari is a data scientist at DataRobot. She spent eight years on algorithm design for time series analysis from satellite data at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). Her expertise and publications are in the field of statistical signal processing and machine learning. She won two scientific awards, published 20+ technical articles and held 15+ talks at various space agencies and international conferences.
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Attendees from Part 1 will continue their data automation experience. By the end of this session, you will have built a Data Warehouse and understand the wider value of this approach to Data Vaults, Data Marts, and Data Lakes.
The secrets to accelerating data projects and delivering in hours, not weeks or months, will have been revealed! You will know how to eliminate technology lock-in and future-proof your data architecture.
Are you considering Data Vault but are not sure if it is a match for your needs? Are you about to embark on your first project? Do you want to discuss real-world applications? Are you keen to understand how to maximize your investment and see results fast?
This is an “ask the expert” session where you can question Data Vault practitioners, specialists, and automation technologists as we cover all of the above topics and more!
Machine learning and AI have changed the world of data processing and automation at a breathtaking pace, at the cost of turning algorithms into hard-to-control and monitor black boxes.
We present methods and concepts of explainable AI that aim to open the black box and tame these algorithms.
Target Audience: Decision-Makers/Stake Holders in AI & model development, Data Scientists
Prerequisites: general awareness of modeling pipeline and challenges, no coding/math skill required
Level: Basic
Maximilian Nowottnick is a Data Scientist at the full-service data science provider Supper & Supper GmbH from Germany. He has a B.Sc. and a M.Sc. in Physics and extensive knowledge in developing AI solutions in the areas of GeoAI and Mechanical Engineering. He was one of the driving engineers to develop the first SaaS solution of Supper & Supper, called Pointly for 3D point cloud classification.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) allows us to deeply understand and derive insights from language, ultimately leading to more automated processes, lower costs, and data-driven business decisions.
Google is recognized as a market leader in AI and has built a range of solutions incorporating NLP to address a myriad of business challenges. This talk will introduce a few possible solutions, as well as some business use cases on how to incorporate them in a variety of industries.
Target Audience: Middle and upper-level management, Business users with AI/machine learning challenges, BI/Data professionals
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of machine learning and cloud technology, interest in NLP
Level: Intermediate
Catherine King is a Customer Engineer at Google Cloud and is a Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer. She works with customers in the Public Sector and supports them in digital transformations, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence implementations. Before Google, she worked for many years in the Translation Industry designing Machine Translation models for enterprise clients.
Catherine holds an MSc in Data Science and is passionate about decision science and data-driven cultures.
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Drinks, nibbles, competitions
In der schieren Menge an Daten, die in vielen Unternehmen schlummern, steckt ein enormes Wertpotential für das Business. Doch wie versetzen sich Organisationen in die Lage, diesen Datenschatz zu heben? Datensilos und heterogene Datenbestände scheinen oftmals eine unüberwindbare Hürde für eine nahtlose Integration zu sein – und die IT wird schnell zum Spielball aufwändiger und teurer Legacy Integrations-Technologien. Im Vortrag erfahren Sie von Robert Auerochs, wie die ING-DiBa diese Hürden in der Datenintegration und -nutzung überwindet und hierauf innovative und gewinnbringende Use-Cases aufsetzt.
Zielpublikum: Data Engineers, Data Scientist, Data Architects, Data and Analytics Manager, Chief Data Officer(CDOs), Chief Information Officer (CIOs), Data Analysts, Heads of Data Integration etc.
Voraussetzungen: Basic knowledge of data and analytics, especially data warehousing and data transformation processes and understanding of these in the larger organizational context to achieve the business goals
Schwierigkeitsgrad: Fortgeschritten
Robert Auerochs ist in seiner Funktion als Expertise Lead DataLake Platform seit über 13 Jahren bei der ING-DiBa beschäftigt. Er ist zudem als Freelancer im Bereich Spiel-Design und Referent an der TU Darmstadt tätig.
In order to succeed in creating a data driven enterprise it is clear that choosing the right data architecture is now critical. This session explores the evolution of data and analytics architecture and looks at what is needed to shorten time to value and create a data driven enterprise. It looks at the pros and cons of data lake, lakehouse and data mesh architectures and asks: Is there a best approach? Is a lot more than this needed to succeed?
Target Audience: Data architects, CDOs, CAOs, enterprise architects, data scientists, business analysts
Prerequisites: Basic understanding of data architectures used in supporting analytical workloads
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract:
In many companies today the desire to become data driven goes all the way to the boardroom. The expectation is that as more and more data enters the enterprise, it should be possible to understand and use it to quickly and easily drive business value. In order to succeed in creating a data driven enterprise it is clear that choosing the right data architecture is now critical. However, data and analytics architecture has been evolving over recent years to a point where now there are multiple options. Is it a data lake that is needed? Is it a lakehouse? Or is it a data mesh? Should this be the focus or is it just vendor hype to fuel their own interests? What are the pros and cons of these options? Is there a best approach? Is a lot more than this needed to succeed? This session explores the evolution of data and analytics architecture and looks at what is needed to shorten time to value and create a data driven enterprise.
- Data and analytics - where are we?
- Data and analytics architecture evolution
- Architecture options and their pros and cons - data lake Vs lakehouse Vs data mesh
- The shift to data fabric, DataOps, and MLOps to industrialise pipeline development and model deployment
- Using a data and analytics marketplace to putting analytics to work across the enterprise
Mike Ferguson is Managing Director of Intelligent Business Strategies and Chairman of Big Data LDN. An independent analyst and consultant, with over 40 years of IT experience, he specialises in data management and analytics, working at board, senior IT and detailed technical IT levels on data management and analytics. He teaches, consults and presents around the globe.
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Innovative IT ermöglicht Unternehmen neue Kooperationsformen mit verschiedenen Partnern in offenen Netzwerken. Hierbei entstehen kooperative Datenräume auf der Basis IoT-basierter Digitaler Zwillinge, deren erfolgreiche Umsetzung leistungsfähige BIA-Infrastrukturen voraussetzen.
Zielpublikum: Management, BIA-Verantwortliche, Chief Information Officer / Chief Digital Officer
Voraussetzungen: keine
Schwierigkeitsgrad: Einsteiger
Factories of tomorrow are built based on digitized and modular elements and systems.
In order to make sure (worker’s) safety is still given, reliable confirmations at runtime for autonomous processes and its dependencies as part of digital twins have to be deployed.
The speech further will outline the way trustworthiness of datapoints ensure a resilience and productive operation as part of an enablement.
Target Audience: Infrastructure decision maker, CDO, COO, CEO, business owner, production manager
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of data analysis - production methods - manufacturing technologies - supply chain
Level: Basic
His bandwidth of production & manufacturing related experiences as well as his management skills were reached in various and different positions over 22 years like head of global manufacturing and heading the operation & asset technology at 13 factories / sites. Frank has implemented technologies, methods and strategies to enable supply chain transformation - implementing Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things (IoT) operations. He further collaborate and interact with committees, customers and research organizations to settle and deploy smart factory related references, technologies and standards. At TUV SUD, he is heading the global business line Advanced Manufacturing where operations of Industrial Software, CyberSecurity, Artificial Intelligence and Digitized Compliance Management are hosted. Bringing skills and technology together is Frank’s key to success and an important competency for a digital world. The Vice President for Advanced Manufacturing interact with I4.0 and Internet of Things in his daily work at TÜV SÜD. His goal is to make connected and autonomous manufacturing safe, secure and resilient. Frank acts additionally as Trainer, coach and mentor for people development of internal staff.
Als integralen Bestandteil der Unternehmensziele formulierte der DKV Mobility (DKV) 2020 eine auf Use Cases gestützte Datenstrategie. Seit Anfang 2021 wird diese mit den drei folgenden Schwerpunkten operationalisiert: Der Aufbau der Abteilung Data Intelligence & Analytics, die Einführung einer cloud-basierten analytischen Plattform und die Umsetzung des Data Governance Programms.
Die wesentliche Säule des Data Governance Programms war dabei die Einführung des Data Catalogs, realisiert durch die Softwarelösung D-QUANTUM. In diesem Vortrag erläutert Sönke Iwersen gemeinsam mit Wolf Erlewein die Erfahrungen und Mehrwerte durch die Nutzung von D-QUANTUM. Durch die große Flexibilität der Software konnte das benötigte Business Glossary einfach und unkompliziert an die sich stetig entwickelnden Anforderungen angepasst werden, um die fachlichen Metadaten wie Kennzahlen, Geschäftsobjekte sowie deren Zuständigkeiten abzubilden.
Um die Entwicklung der analytischen Plattform durch den Data Catalog zu begleiten, wurden Snowflake und Microsoft Purview mit D-QUANTUM Connect angebunden.
Wolf Erlewein verfügt über 20 Jahre Erfahrung in einem breiten Bereich des Datenmanagements (DWH, BI, CRM, Big Data) in unterschiedlichen Branchen (Telekommunika- tion, Banken und Handel). In seiner Funktion als COO der Synabi Business Solution GmbH verantwortet er die Konzeption und Umsetzung von Metadaten und DataGovernance-Projekten.
Dr. Sönke Iwersen verantwortet seit mehr 15 Jahren Data & Analytics Organisationen in verschiedenen Industrien (u.a. Telefónica, Handelsblatt, XING, Fitness First, HRS). Schwerpunkte sind die Entwicklung von Digitalisierungs- und Datenstrategien und deren Operationalisierung mit cloudbasierten analytischen Plattformen und ML/ AI Lösungen. Er präsentiert seine innovativen Ergebnisse regelmäßig auf nationalen und internationalen Konferenzen.
Dillinger had built an "on-demand data warehouse" for its production data with many independent tables using its own ETL applications in Java over two decades. With a very small team, maintaining the warehouse took up a lot of the time. After a careful evaluation of options, Dillinger partnered with Scalefree to construct a new Data Vault 2.0-based data warehouse from scratch. Using the WhereScapes ETL tool chain allowed us to start the migration process with a few people and continually expand it while keeping the old warehouse alive. In this case study, we describe the construction of a technical data warehouse based on Data Vault 2.0 and WhereScape ETL automation, the challenges, how we addressed them and the feasibility of our approach. What you will learn: · Case study of a Data Warehouse project in the heavy plate industry · Build and operate a Data Vault 2.0 Data Warehouse with a small team · Challenges and tackles · Successful combination of internal team with external experts to get the Data Warehouse up and running
Dr. Nicolas Fritz hat über 19 Jahre Erfahrung in der Informationstechnologie/Informatik und ist seit über 10 Jahren bei SHS - Stahl-Holding-Saar GmbH & Co. KGaA (ehem. Dillinger) tätig. Sein Schwerpunkt in den letzten Jahren liegt im Projektmanagement und der Software-Qualitätssicherung. In dem gemeinsamen Projekt mit Scalefree zum Umbau eines historisch gewachsenen DWH waren seine Aufgaben: - Teamleiter der Data Warehouse Gruppe - Design und Entwicklung des neuen technischen Data Warehouse (TDW) - Wartung und Migration des aktuellen TDW - Ermöglichung von Application Life-Cycle Management Prozessen
Mit umfangreicher Erfahrung in der Informationstechnologie, die sich über mehr als 10 Jahren ist Dr. Alexander Brunner seit Oktober 2018 Scalefree Partner für den Finanzbereich seit Oktober 2018. Als Senior IT- und Finanzrisikomanagement-Profi hat er Expertise in der in der Durchführung von sowohl technisch als auch betriebswirtschaftlich getriebenen Projekten bei Investmentbanken, Kreditbanken, Staatsbanken und Immobilienbanken. Er hat sich auf die Einführung von Risikomanagement Risikomanagementsystemen, Financial Engineering (Robo-Advisory) und Beratung von Finanzinstituten bei der Erfüllung regulatorischer Anforderungen in Bezug auf Liquiditäts- und Marktrisiken.
The data lakehouse is the new popular data architecture. In a nutshell, the data lakehouse is a combination of a data warehouse and a data lake. It makes a lot of sense to combine them, because they are sharing the same data and similar logic. This session discusses all aspects of data warehouses and data lakes, including data quality, data governance, auditability, performance, historic data, and data integration, to determine if the data lakehouse is a marketing hype or whether this is really a valuable and realistic new data architecture.
Target Audience: Data architects, enterprise architects, solutions architects, IT architects, data warehouse designers, analysts, chief data officers, technology planners, IT consultants, IT strategists
Prerequisites: General knowledge of databases, data warehousing and BI
Level: Basic
Extended Abstract:
The data lakehouse is the new kid on the block in the world of data architectures. In a nutshell, the data lakehouse is a combination of a data warehouse and a data lake. In other words, this architecture is developed to support a typical data warehouse workload plus a data lake workload. It holds structured, semi-structured and unstructured data. Technically, in a data lake house the data is stored in files that can be accessed by any type of tool and database server. The data is not kept hostage by a specific database server. SQL engines are also able to access that data efficiently for more traditional business intelligence workloads. And data scientists can create their descriptive and prescriptive models directly on the data.
It makes a lot of sense to combine these two worlds, because they are sharing the same data and they are sharing logic. But is this really possible? Or is this all too good to be true? This session discusses all aspects of data warehouses and data lakes, including data quality, data governance, auditability, performance, immutability, historic data, and data integration, to determine if the data lakehouse is a marketing hype or whether this is really a valuable and realistic new data architecture.
Rick van der Lans is a highly-respected independent analyst, consultant, author, and internationally acclaimed lecturer specializing in data architectures, data warehousing, business intelligence, big data, and database technology. He has presented countless seminars, webinars, and keynotes at industry-leading conferences. He assists clients worldwide with designing new data architectures. In 2018 he was selected the sixth most influential BI analyst worldwide by
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This session introduces AI-driven automation and looks at the building blocks needed to automate operational tasks and decisions.
It discusses ground-breaking innovation that opens up the next stage in data and analytics for the data driven enterprise. It provides key information on how to use data, analytics and AI to automate decisions to significantly shorten time to reduce costs, reduce risks and seize opportunities to grow revenue.
Target Audience: Chief Analytics Officer, Chief Data Officer, Data Architects, Data Scientists, Business Analysts
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of analytics and machine learning
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract:
According to some analysts, the hyper-automation software market opportunity in 2025 will be as much as $850Bn. There is no doubt that if you can scale automation it will help companies significantly reduce costs and outperform their competitors in revenue growth. There are many things that can be automated including tasks, processes, IT and DevOps operations. However, there are so many things needed to make this happen. Given this opportunity, this session introduces AI-driven automation, looks at the building blocks needed to make it happen.
- What is AI-driven automation and what can it do?
- Size of the AI marketplace
- Use case opportunities
- Automating human tasks using AI-driven robotic process automation
- Intelligent document processing
- The power of human and AI-driven orchestration
- Automation building blocks
- Business goals
- Process mining
- Data Events, business conditions and event detection
- Data integration
- Machine learning model services to predict outcomes
- Decision services
- Action services (skills that can be automated)
- Intelligent Orchestration - goal driven closed loop automation
- The AI-driven automation process - capture, prepare, analyse, decide, act, optimise
- Human and AI-driven decision and action automation
- Getting started - what needs to be considered?
Mike Ferguson is Managing Director of Intelligent Business Strategies and Chairman of Big Data LDN. An independent analyst and consultant, with over 40 years of IT experience, he specialises in data management and analytics, working at board, senior IT and detailed technical IT levels on data management and analytics. He teaches, consults and presents around the globe.
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Dieser Vortrag handelt von Self-Service Analytics, Daten Demokratisierung und der Rolle des Modernen Analytics Teams.
Eine Live-Demo von Veezoo, der State-of-the-Art Lösung für Conversational Interfaces, soll eindrücklich demonstrieren, wie Self-Service Analytics im 21-Jahrhundert auszusehen hat.
Till Haug is Co-Founder and COO of ETH Spin-off Veezoo, a Self-Service Analytics company building the next generation business intelligence solution based around an intuitive natural language interface.
While studying computer science at ETH Zurich, his bachelor’s thesis involved developing a Q&A system that achieved the world’s highest accuracy, surpassing previous results from Google and Stanford. After publishing his state-of-the-art results and presenting at the A-ranked ECIR conference in Grenoble, Till went on to join Marcos and João Pedro Monteiro in founding Veezoo in 2016 with the goal of making business-critical data easily accessible for anyone.
Since then, the company has gone on to raise funding and scale to serve Fortune 500 companies in answering business critical questions. Till has been a featured speaker at conferences such as Finance 2.0 InsurTech and the EFMA Insurance Awards, while the company has profiled in the likes of BILANZ, Handelszeitung, Le Temps, cash, and Yahoo Finance.
Digital transformation is in a way a never-ending journey. Recent trends put high expectations on AI technologies for process automation, insight generation and decision support. In Hilti, we see information generated from our data as substantial contribution to the success of our business.
We will describe how we put the user and the usage of information in the center of our initiative of an information enabled company. Hilti’s journey towards process, data and system consolidation serves as an excellent foundation for that. We present the foundational technologies we put in place to manage the increasing amount and variety of data, as well as our “Integrated Information Management” approach. We will especially focus on advanced analytics and AI and give examples for successful implementations, but also highlight challenges, especially when it comes to change management and taking the organization along.
In his function as Head of Information Management in Global IT, Ralf Diekmann is responsible for all reporting, data engineering, and analytics solutions of Hilti AG globally. Ralf holds a PhD in Computer Science from the Paderborn Center of Parallel Computing. He joined Hilti AG 22 years ago as research engineer and since then held various positions in business and IT incl. Global Process responsibility, SAP implementation manager, Head of Process Governance, and various leadership functions in Hilti’s Global IT department.
Andreas Wagner is leading the Data Science team at Hilti. In this role he is delivering DS projects, shaping the DS strategy at Hilti, recruiting Data Scientists and further developing the necessary ML toolbox. Andreas Wagner has more than five years’ experience in this field and is nine years at Hilti. Andreas holds a PhD in theoretical Physics.
You've heard why companies use data warehouse automation (DWA) software, but what is the long-term impact on the business?
Maximilian Vollmer from Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles explains practically and from personal experience how the team has changed its way of working since the introduction of WhereScape DWA over 5 years ago and how this has affected the business.
Bringing advanced analytics to end users through well-established reporting tools can be challenging. The solution we present in this talk enables business users to directly receive machine learning (ML) predictions for their custom selections in Tableau. We use Big Data and AWS (PySpark) technologies for our ML pipeline. The ML models are then deployed to MLflow and two-way communication to Tableau is ensured through APIs.
Johannes Mellenthin promovierte in Teilchenphysik an der Universität Göttingen und am CERN. Er hat langjährige Erfahrung im Consulting im Bereich Data Science. Neben der technischen Implementierung von End-to-End-Machine-Learning-Lösungen konzentriert er sich auf die Identifizierung von Möglichkeiten für Unternehmen, langfristig den größten Nutzen aus ihren Daten zu ziehen.
Johannes Mellenthin completed his doctorate in Particle Physics at the University of Göttingen and CERN. He has several years of experience in consulting in the Data Science sector. Besides the technical implementation of end-to-end Machine Learning solutions, he focuses on identifying opportunities for businesses to get the most value out of their data.
DOUGLAS ist führender Anbieter für Beauty Produkte mit über 2.000 Ladengeschäfte in Europa. In den letzten Jahren etablierte das Unternehmen eine sehr erfolgreiche Online-Beauty-Plattform mit mehreren Onlineshops. Erfahren Sie in diesem Vortrag direkt vom Principal Project Manager Data Thomas Borlik wie es DOUGLAS geschafft hat, mit einer modernen Datenarchitektur diesen Ausbau zu unterstützen. Dank zentralisierter Daten haben die Mitarbeiter und das Management schneller als je zuvor nun die Chance, anwendbare Erkenntnisse aus den Daten zu gewinnen. Durch diesen Schritt konnte insbesondere der manuelle Aufwand bei der Reporterstellung stark reduziert werden, sodass Analysten nun noch tiefer in die Daten einsteigen können. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme!
Thomas Borlik hat im Beratungs- und Agenturumfeld einschlägige Erfahrung mit Datenprojekten sammeln können. Als PMP-zertifizierter Projektmanager hat er früh seinen Fokus auf dieses zukunftsträchtige Thema gelegt und ist nun bei DOUGLAS als Principal Project Manager Data tätig. Dort leitet er strategische Datenprojekte und treibt die Etablierung des "Data Offices" voran.
Embracing a holistic analytics across an organization can make it more innovative, agile, and successful. For instance, data democratization makes analytics more accessible and this leads to better-informed decisions. Modernizing data warehouses reduces complexity and improves reporting. Using hybrid cloud deployment strategies can increase the ability to analyze data no matter where it resides.
In this presentation, we will discuss how companies across different verticals are planning and implementing data warehouse modernization, data democratization, and hybrid cloud migration, improving revenue and efficiency to ensure market leadership.
Dieter works in Vertica presales engineering for the German speaking countries.
His mission is to analyze our customer’s goals and infrastructure to make their Big Data Analytics projects successful through the Vertica Unified Analytics Platform.
With over 35 years of experience in presales, project management and consulting in the database industry, Dieter brings a deep understanding of data and organizations. He leads his customers to success during the entire project lifecycle from discovery to successful project launches.
Prior to Vertica, Dieter worked as project manager and consultant at Teradata and in the R&D organization at IBM as presales and software engineer. Dieter graduated with two master degrees in computer science and organizational psychology.
In his free time Dieter is a chess player and runner.
In his talk Paul Dietrich describes what 'United by Data' means to Collibra's customers and ways to support those 66% of companies which still struggle to turn their data into useful insights.
Paul leads the Collibra Field Teams for the Nordics and DACH region. He joined Collibra in early 2019 after eight years with where he built teams for different regions in Germany. Prior to that, he held international Enterprise Sales and Business Development roles at Gartner (CEB) and BBDO. He is passionate about helping Collibra customers to use data as a shared language to drive empathy, understanding, and successful business outcomes.
A popular new architecture for offering frictionless access to data is the data fabric. With a data fabric, existing transactional and data delivery systems are wrapped (encapsulated) to make all of them look like one integrated system. A data fabric enables all data consumers to access and manipulate data. Technically, data is accessed and used through services. But data fabrics cannot be bought, they need to be designed and developed. This session discusses key guidelines for designing data fabrics.
Target Audience: Data architects, enterprise architects, solutions architects, IT architects, data warehouse designers, analysts, chief data officers, technology planners, IT consultants, IT strategists
Prerequisites: General knowledge of databases, data warehousing and BI
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract:
Companies are becoming increasingly dependent on data. Having access to the right data at the right time is essential. This implies that users need frictionless access to all the data, wherever it is stored, in a transactional database, a data warehouse, or a data lake. It does not matter to users where data comes from as long as it meets all their requirements. Users do not want to be hindered by all the data delivery silos. They want one system that gives them access to all the data they need.
The solution to provide frictionless access cannot be data warehouse-like, wherein all the data is copied (again) to one big central database. In this second era of data integration, integration must be achieved without copying. A new solution must be based on a single universal entry point to access all data. Where and how the data is stored, whether it is stored in various databases, must be completely hidden from data users.
A popular new architecture that supports this approach is data fabric. With a data fabric, existing transactional and data delivery systems are wrapped (encapsulated) to make all the independent systems look like one integrated system.
A data fabric is formed by a software layer that resides on top of all the existing transactional silos and data delivery silos, enabling all data consumers to access and manipulate data. Technically, data is accessed and used through services.
A real data fabric supports any type of service, whether this is a more transactional or analytical service. And especially the second group of services is complex to develop. Maybe analytical services based on predefined queries are not that complex to develop, but how are such services developed that need to deal with ad-hoc queries?
This session explains the need for data fabrics that support all types of services and discusses key guidelines for designing data fabrics. Technologies are discussed that help with developing such services.
- What a data fabric is, and why you need one
- How you can architect a service-centric fabric to gain flexibility and agility
- The data management and integration capabilities that are most relevant
- Where to start your journey to data fabric success
- What is logical data fabric?
Rick van der Lans is a highly-respected independent analyst, consultant, author, and internationally acclaimed lecturer specializing in data architectures, data warehousing, business intelligence, big data, and database technology. He has presented countless seminars, webinars, and keynotes at industry-leading conferences. He assists clients worldwide with designing new data architectures. In 2018 he was selected the sixth most influential BI analyst worldwide by
Got great ML, analytics, and engineering talent, but need to increase the adoption of the ML and analytics solutions your team produces? Wondering how to design decision support applications and data products that actually get used and generate business value? If you're tired of making 'technically right, effectively wrong' data products that don't get used, this session will help!
Before you can generate business value, your data product first has to be used and adopted. That success boils down in part to the UX you afford users. After all, the UX is the perceived reality of your data product. However, the skills for designing a great UI/UX are different than those required to do the technical side of analytics, AI/ML, and engineering. Users don't want your data outputs; they want clear answers and actionable decision support—and that’s what we’ll learn how to do together.
The workshop is a reduction of my full 8 week training seminar. In the ½ day workshop, we will focus on learning 3 main skills via a mixture of lecture, peer discussion, and active exercises/participation. You will learn:
- How to measure your data product’s utility and usability so that everyone on the team has a shared understanding of what a “good UX” is and how it will lead to business value
- How to use 1x1 interview research to uncover hidden stakeholder and user needs before it’s too late (and your solution can’t be easily changed)
- How to use low-fidelity prototyping and sketching as a means to get aligned with your users and stakeholders and avoid building an incorrect “requirements-driven” solution
- A laptop is required for participation
- Willingness to participate in activities that require pair learning
- Willingness to be open and share with your table and the room when called upon to contribute
- For best results, you should have some sort of strategic decision support application, data tool, or data product in mind to which you hope this training can be applied when you return to work. Design is best learned through doing, and having a real project to apply it to will accelerate that learning.
Target Audience: Directors, VPs, and principal data product leaders building custom enterprise data products and decision support applications for which adoption is critical to success and the generation of business value. Participants often come from ML and software engineering, analytics, and data science domains, yet also have a responsibility to ensure solutions are useful, usable, and valuable to the business. The training will not help you if you're interested in only working alone on implementation, coding, statistics, modeling and making outputs without any regard for whether they serve the audience they are intended to help.
Prerequisites: You're ready to approach your data work differently, with a human-first, data-second approach. You don't think that the reason that data tools/apps/dashboards go unused is because the users aren't 'smart enough' to understand them. You believe it's more interesting, fun, and valuable to produce data products that actually get used, produce value, and change people's lives. You're curious and open to non-analytical approaches to problem solving.
Level: Expert (you can be a design novice but should be a leader in your core field)
Extended Abstract:
Want to increase the adoption of your enterprise data products?
It's simple: your team's AI/ML applications, dashboards, and other data products will be meaningless if the humans in the loop cannot or will not use them.
Yes, they may have asked your team for those ML models or dashboards.
Unfortunately, giving stakeholders what they asked for doesn't always result in meaningful engagement with AI and analytics -- and data products cannot produce value until the first hurdle is crossed: engagement.
Until users actually use, trust, and believe your ML and analytics solutions, they won't produce value.
'Just give me the CSV/excel export.' How many times have you heard that -- even after you thought your team gave them the exact ML model, dashboard, or application they asked for?
No customers want a technically right, effectively wrong data product from your team, but this is what many data science and analytics teams are routinely producing -- because the focus is on producing outputs instead of outcomes. The thing is, the technical outputs are often only about 30% of the solution; the other 70% of the work is what is incorrectly framed as 'change management' or 'operationalization' -- and it all presumes that the real end-user needs have actually been surfaced up front.
If you want to move your team from 'cost center' to 'innovation partner,' your team will need to adopt a mindset that is relentlessly customer-centered and measures its success based on delivering outcomes. However, this is a different game: it's a human game where ML/AI and analytics is behind the scenes and customers' pains, problems, jobs to be done, and tasks are at the forefront. Enter human-centered design and data product management: the other skills that modern data science and analytics teams will need if they want to become indispensable technology partners to their business counterparts.
This talk is for data product leaders who have talented technical teams, but struggle to regularly deliver innovative, usable, useful data products that their customers find indispensable.
You've heard for 20 years how Gartner and other research studies continue to predict limited value creation from enterprise data science and analytics engagements, with 80% of projects on average failing to deliver value.
MIT Sloan/BCG's 2020 AI research shows that companies who are designing human-centered ML/AI experiences that enable co-learning between technology and people are realizing significant financial benefits.
Leaders aren't repeating yesterday.
If your data science and analytics requires human interaction before it can deliver any business value, you won't want to miss this session with Brian T. O'Neill -- the host of the Experiencing Data podcast and founder of Designing for Analytics.
Brian T. O'Neill helps data product leaders use design to create indispensable ML and analytics solutions. In addition to helping launch several successful startups, he's brought design-driven innovation to DellEMC, Tripadvisor, JP Morgan Chase, NetApp, Roche, Abbvie, and others. Brian also hosts the Experiencing Data podcast, advises at MIT Sandbox, and performs as a professional percussionist.
The Data Lake is dead, long live the Data Mesh! But what is a Data Mesh exactly? And how does Real-Time fit into it?
In this talk you’ll learn what a Data Mesh approach brings to the table, as well as the why and how of creating a Real-Time backbone for your Data Mesh architecture.
Alex Piermatteo works as a Manager and Architect for the Event Driven and Streaming Applications Business Unit at Data Reply. Alex is regular speaker at conferences and his main area of expertise lies within the fields of Stream Processing, Big Data Integration & Analytics, Cloud, Microservices and DevOps.
Sergio Spinatelli works as a Manager and Architect for the Event Driven and Streaming Applications Business Unit at Data Reply. With experiences in major industries (Automotive, Retail, Media, Banking) and with state of the art Big Data technologies, he focuses on Stream Processing, Real-Time Analytics, Microservice Architectures and Cloud.
Bei allen Trends, die rund um ‘Data Management’ kommen und gehen ist eins klar: es ist vielmehr ein kontinuierlicher Weg, als ein finales Ziel, das zählt. Um bestehen zu können, brauchen Organisationen einen agilen Ansatz, der die Grundlage dafür legt, den Berg- und Talfahrten von technologischen Trends zu folgen und das mit geringem Aufwand.
Als ein führender Anbieter diskutieren wir mit Ihnen unseren ‘Agile Data Fabric’ Ansatz und zeigen, wie verschiedene Trends umgesetzt werden können.
Dirk Schober ist ein Experte darin, Herausforderungen beim Kunden zu identifizieren und zu beschreiben. Er hat über 12 Jahre Erfahrung im Design von Lösungen rund um Analytics und das damit verbundene Datenmanagement. Er arbeitet als Presales Experte bei TIBCO und vormals bei IBM. Fokusbereiche sind durchgängige 'data-driven' Lösungen in der Fertigung, Industrie, Handel und im Bereich Pharma.
DB Regio Bus, a subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn, has been executing a data strategy to support digitization and automation in a very decentralized organization. In this presentation, Asha, Marcus, and Christian will provide insights, methods, and lessons learned about the data strategy at DB Regio Bus and their experiences related to its successful execution.
Target Audience: Chief Data Officers, Chief Digital Officers, Data Manager, Data Governance Manager, Data Governance Directors
Prerequisites: None
Level: Basic
Asha Joseph Pattani is responsible for Enterprise Architecture and Digitalization at DB Regio Bus. She has vast experience in data management, digitization, and software architecture for large-scale systems. In her previous positions, she has experience in diverse industries and domains where Data was harnessed to drive digitalization. Asha established and is responsible for the data platform and its integrations into enterprise systems. From a technological and architectural perspective, she emphasizes the importance of data excellence, automation, and modular architecture. The introduction of digital assistants was one of her digitalization initiatives.
Marcus is Head of ICT at DB Regio Bus. He has a long experience in data management, digitization and public transportation. After previous positions in transport management, e-commerce and M&A, he took over the position as Head of ICT in 2014 with the ambition to modernize the ICT of the bus company of Deutsche Bahn. Marcus established a 100% cloud strategy and renewed the whole IT-infrastructure for around 9.000 employees. At present, the focus of his team is digitization, automation and modularization. In this context, Marcus successfully established the data excellence initiative of DB Regio Bus.
Dr. Christian Fürber is founder and CEO of the Information Quality Institute GmbH (, a specialized consultancy for Data Excellence and Data Management solutions. Prior to founding IQI in 2012, he held several data management positions at the German Armed Forces where he designed and executed the Forces’ Data Management Strategy. Since his leave from the Forces, Christian and his team have successfully established data management framworks for many companies in Europe helping them to accellerate innovation and digitization through data. Christian is also author, lecturer and speaker and organizes the TDWI Themenzirkel "Data Strategy & Data Governance".
Dr. Christian Fürber is founder and CEO of the Information Quality Institute GmbH (, a specialized consultancy for Data Excellence and Data Management solutions. Prior to founding IQI in 2012, he held several data management positions at the German Armed Forces where he designed and executed the Forces’ Data Management Strategy. Since his leave from the Forces, Christian and his team have successfully established data management framworks for many companies in Europe helping them to accellerate innovation and digitization through data. Christian is also author, lecturer and speaker and organizes the TDWI Themenzirkel "Data Strategy & Data Governance".
Michael Kolb ist seit 14 Jahren im Business Intelligence-Umfeld tätig - davon seit über 8 Jahren als BI-Projektleiter und BI-Architekt im BICC der HUK-COBURG. Seit zwei Jahren begleitet er die Themen Data Cataloging und Data Governance im Kontext des erweiterten Daten-Ökosystems der HUK-COBURG.
Dr. Sönke Iwersen verantwortet seit mehr 15 Jahren Data & Analytics-Organisationen in verschiedenen Industrien (u.a. Telefónica, Handelsblatt, XING, Fitness First, HRS). Schwerpunkte sind die Entwicklung von Digitalisierungs- und Datenstrategien und deren Operationalisierung mit cloudbasierten analytischen Plattformen und ML/AI-Lösungen. Er präsentiert seine innovativen Ergebnisse regelmäßig auf nationalen und internationalen Konferenzen.
Axel Schaefer ist der Global Lead Bilfinger Business Systems, umfassend verantwortlich für die bedarfsorientierte Pflege und Weiterentwicklung des Konzern-ERPs. Vertiefte Fachkenntnisse in Recht, Steuerberatung, Bilanzierung sowie operative Leitungserfahrungen in Konzerngesellschaften helfen ihm seit Jahren bei der Einführung und Prozessharmonisierung der Bilfinger ERP-Landschaft.
Marcus is Head of ICT at DB Regio Bus. He has a long experience in data management, digitization and public transportation. After previous positions in transport management, e-commerce and M&A, he took over the position as Head of ICT in 2014 with the ambition to modernize the ICT of the bus company of Deutsche Bahn. Marcus established a 100% cloud strategy and renewed the whole IT-infrastructure for around 9.000 employees. At present, the focus of his team is digitization, automation and modularization. In this context, Marcus successfully established the data excellence initiative of DB Regio Bus.
Brigitte Lutz ist Data Governance-Koordinatorin der Stadt Wien, leitet das Open Government-Kompetenzzentrum und ist Gründungsmitglied & Sprecherin der Cooperation Open Government Data Österreich. Weitere Aufgabenschwerpunkte sind der Digitale Zwilling der Stadt Wien, Data Analytics, Blockchain, E-Government-Bausteine und -Services. Sie hat eine postgraduale Ausbildung in Management & IT.
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SWICA historically runs a data warehouse built by a centralized team and in parallel, multiple isolated solutions for domain specific analyses, which afford high maintenance and an extensive effort to stay compliant.
Modernizing our analytical environment, we are building a collaborative platform on MS Azure, utilizing the Data Mesh paradigms of data domain and data product.
We aim to deliver a managed data marketplace for all data domains to provide their data products on a modern platform with low maintenance and built-in security & compliance.
Target Audience: Data Analysts, Data Engineers, Project Leaders, Decision Makers
Prerequisites: Basic understanding of the data mesh concept, data warehouse architectures and the challenges of diverse analytical use cases from multiple lines of business
Level: Advanced
15 years of BI industry experience as a project manager, analyst, team lead and solution architect. Closely following new concepts and technologies, aiming for practical application in the enterprise world.
Building planning and reporting solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises for more than 15 years, the opportunity to build a modern cloud based data platform for SWICA the leading health insurance company in Switzerland, is a challenge to develop my personality and skills. A special candy comes with the usage of the latest cloud technologies and a high flexibility for building the solution.
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"Die Transformation der Banken & Versicherungen ist in vollem Gange. Neue Services und Geschäftsfelder sollen sowohl das Kundenerlebnis deutlich verbessern, als auch das Wachstum und die Zukunftssicherheit der Unternehmen sichern.
Klassische Big Data & AI Ansätze halten mit den neuen Anforderungen schon kaum Stand - von zukünftigen Entwicklungen ganz abgesehen.
Wie kann z.B. die persönliche Versicherungsmaschine der Zukunft (McKinsey) zu jedem Zeitpunkt in Echtzeit die optimale Entscheidung treffen, wenn wir noch immer über Datensilos, Datensümpfe und DWH Strukturen auf Host-Rechnern sprechen?
Niko Dyundev und Oliver Börner beschreiben einen Lösungsansatz aus der Praxis für die Praxis! Welches Konzept ist zukunftssicher? Wie schaffe ich den Spagat zwischen Kompatibilität mit der Organisation und moderner Services? Was ist eine Architektur der Zukunft, die schon nachweislich funktioniert?"
Oliver Börner ist als Named Account Executive für Banken und Versicherungen bei Databricks tätig. In seiner Laufbahn war er für diverse Consulting-Unternehmen als Business Advisor bzw. Pre-Sales Manager tätig. In mehr als 24 Jahren beratender und vertrieblicher Tätigkeit hat er weltweit Unternehmen bei der Bewältigung ihrer Herausforderungen im Bereich Data+AI unterstützt. Als Generalist für alle Modernisierungsfragen analytischer Datenstrukturen stehen hier vor allem B2C-Unternehmen, d.h. Telekommunikations- und Finanzdienstleister, Handelsunternehmen, Automobilhersteller und Versicherungen im Fokus.
Niko Dyundev hat Verteilte Software Systeme an der Hochschule in Darmstadt studiert. Die letzten 9 Jahre arbeitete er als Solutions Architect in den Bereichen Big Data, ML Ops und Cloud. Während dieser Zeit ist er in verschiedenen Projekten und Branchen in über 20 Ländern tätig gewesen. Seit zwei Jahre ist Niko Teil des Field Engineering Teams bei Databricks in Deutschland.
Petrol is Slovenian company that operates in 8 countries in SEE with 5BEUR annual revenue. As traditional publicly-owned company, Petrol has faced necessity for transformation to stay ahead in highly competitive market. Use of BIA was mainly reactive, but in recent years it has transformed into competitive advantage by using cloud technologies and industry specific analytical models and focusing on the content and creating business value. This value is now being leveraged as competitive advantage through proactive use of data and analytics.
Target Audience: Decision Makers, Data Architects, Project Managers
Prerequisites: None
Level: Basic
Extended Abstract:
Petrol is Slovenian company that operates in 8 countries in SEE with 5BEUR annual revenue. Main business activity is trading in oil derivatives, gas and other energy products in which Petrol generates more than 80 percent of all sales revenue and it also has a leading market share in the Slovenian market. Petrol also trades with consumer goods and services, with which it generates just under 20 percent of the revenue. Use of BIA was mainly reactive, but in recent years it has transformed into competitive advantage by using cloud technologies and industry specific analytical models and focusing on the content and creating business value. This value is now being leveraged as competitive advantage through proactive use of data and analytics. Presentation will cover main business challenges, explain technology architecture and approach and discuss results after three years of system development and use.
Andreja Stirn is Business Intelligence Director with more than 20 years of experience working in the Oil & Energy and Telco industry. Skilled in Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence, Corporate Performance Management, Market Research and People Management.
Dražen Orešcanin is Solution Architect in variety of DWH, BI and Big Data Analytics applications, with more than 25 years of experience in projects in largest companies in Europe, US and Middle East. Main architect of PI industry standard DWH models. Advised Companies include operators from DTAG, A1 Group, Telenor Group, Ooredoo Group, Liberty Global, United Group, Elisa Finland, STC and many companies in other industries such as FMCG and utilities.
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Zum Management einer Bonus Club Karten Lösung mit mehreren Geschäftspartnern musste binnen kürzester Zeit eine BIA Lösung aufgebaut werden.
Im Vortrag wird gezeigt wie die Anbindung der Geschäftspartner über Cloud und OnPrem Komponenten erfolgt und mittlerweile seit Beginn dieses Projektes 16 individuelle Partner DWH Lösungen inkl. einer Unified DWH Lösung aufgebaut wurden.
Die DWH Lösungen selbst wurden On Prem implementiert. Die Reporting Anbindung der Geschäftspartner inkl. der Data Mart Schicht liegt dann wieder in einer Cloud Umgebung. Im Vortrag wird auf die Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze im Zuge der Umsetzung dieser komplexen hybriden Architektur eingegangen.
Gregor Zeiler ist seit dreißig Jahren in verschiedenen Funktionen in der Business Intelligence-Beratung tätig. Im Zuge seiner beruflichen Tätigkeit konnte er umfangreiche Projekterfahrung in vielen Branchen und auf Basis eines breiten Technologiespektrums sammeln. Zahlreiche Publikationen und Vorträge begleiten seine berufliche Tätigkeit. Als CEO bei biGENIUS AG kommt er seiner Passion die Prozesse in der Entwicklung von Data Analytics Lösungen zu optimieren nach.
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Often, existing data architectures can no longer keep up with the current 'speed of business change'. As a result, many organizations have decided that it is time for a new, future-proof data architecture. However, this is easier said than done. In this session, ten essential guidelines for designing modern data architectures are discussed. These guidelines are based on hands-on experiences with designing and implementing many new data architectures.
Target Audience: Data architects, enterprise architects, solutions architects, IT architects, data warehouse designers, analysts, chief data officers, technology planners, IT consultants, IT strategists
Prerequisites: General knowledge of databases, data warehousing and BI
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract:
Many IT systems are more than twenty years old and have undergone numerous changes over time. Unfortunately, they can no longer cope with the ever-increasing growth in data usage in terms of scalability and speed. In addition, they have become inflexible, which means that implementing new reports and performing analyses has become very time-consuming. In short, the data architecture can no longer keep up with the current 'speed of business change'. As a result, many organizations have decided that it is time for a new, future-proof data architecture. However, this is easier said than done. After all, you don't design a new data architecture every day. In this session, ten essential guidelines for designing modern data architectures are discussed. These guidelines are based on hands-on experiences with designing and implementing many new data architectures.
Which new technologies are currently available that can simplify data architectures?
What is the influence on the architecture of e.g. Hadoop, NoSQL, big data, data warehouse automation, and data streaming?
Which new architecture principles should be applied nowadays?
How do we deal with the increasingly paralyzing rules for data storage and analysis?
What is the influence of cloud platforms?
Rick van der Lans is a highly-respected independent analyst, consultant, author, and internationally acclaimed lecturer specializing in data architectures, data warehousing, business intelligence, big data, and database technology. He has presented countless seminars, webinars, and keynotes at industry-leading conferences. He assists clients worldwide with designing new data architectures. In 2018 he was selected the sixth most influential BI analyst worldwide by
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To improve business outcomes, SaaS software provider Frontify aimed to empower all its 200 employees with fast, self-service insights from one version of data truth. To this end, Frontify’s data team migrated from its legacy infrastructure to a low-latency, modern data stack comprising Snowflake, Fivetran, and ThoughtSpot, and is on a mission to drive adoption and business impact. - “Data for all” is now well within reach.
Sibel is an experienced data leader with a demonstrated history of working in technology companies in various industries, including Frontify, Ava Women, eBay and PayPal. She has a deep understanding of the data technology space and analytics methodologies. She is passionate about building powerful data capabilities, has a deep focus on data quality, and is a strong advocate for data literacy.
In case you don't know Cindi, she is a fantastic data analytics thought leader and expert with a flair for bridging business needs with technology. As Chief Data Strategy Officer at ThoughtSpot, she advises top clients and partners on data strategy and best practices to become data-driven. Cindi is also host of the Data Chief Podcast, a top 10 podcast in the data and analytics category. Cindi was previously a Gartner research Vice President, as the lead author for the data and analytics maturity model and analytics and BI Magic Quadrant, and a popular keynote speaker. She introduced new research in data and AI for good, NLP/BI Search, and augmented analytics and brought both the BI bake-offs and innovation panels to Gartner globally. She’s rated a top 12 influencer in big data and analytics by Onalytca, Solutions Review, Humans of Data. Prior to joining Gartner, she was the founder of BI Scorecard, a resource for in-depth product reviews based on exclusive hands-on testing, a contributor to Information Week, and the author of several books including Successful Business Intelligence: Unlock the Value of BI & Big Data and SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.0: The Complete Reference. She served as The Data Warehousing Institute (TDWI) faculty member for more than a decade. Prior to founding BI Scorecard, Howson was a manager at Deloitte & Touche and a BI standards leader for Dow Chemical in Switzerland.
Shamim works as a Senior Data Engineer at Data Reply. He specializes in building Data Pipelines, Data Lakes and Kubernetes architecture and development. He has also worked on building end to end Machine Learning pipelines for production-grade machine learning applications.
In this joint session presented by Ramesh Shurma, CEO, Orion Governance and Timm Grosser, Senior Analyst Data & Analytics at BARC, we will share the newest 2022 BARC findings.
For highly distributed data landscape with growing data volumes, extensive data movement is not a viable concept. Data warehouse, data lakes, data lakehouses approaches are reviewed and experts discuss modern concepts such as data fabric. These have the objective of reducing the complexity and scope of data processes while increasing flexibility and agility. It also aims to simplify data access and use, especially for business users.
Our survey (BARC Data Black Holes, 2021) concludes that it is mainly a lack of available documentation and explicit knowledge that stands in the way of achieving these goals. Such explicit knowledge is available extensively in the organization, namely in the form of metadata, but collecting metadata is a difficult and time-consuming process. Without a smart and automated approach, it is doomed to fail. This is where Agile Data Intelligence comes in. Similar to how Data Fabric helps stitch together the organization's business data landscape, agile data intelligence is the corresponding metadata fabric. In this presentation, we'll talk about Agile Data Intelligence's three core capabilities for building a Metadata Fabric. They lend a Data Intelligence Platform the necessary agility to be operated effectively and efficiently.
Timm Grosser is a Senior Analyst Data & Analytics at the Business Application Research Center (BARC) with a focus on Data & Analytics.
His core competencies are the definition of data & analytics strategies, data governance, organization, architecture and tool selection. He is a well-known speaker at conferences and seminars and author of numerous BARC market studies and professional articles.
Ramesh Shurma is the founder and CEO of Orion Governance Inc. Prior to starting Orion, Ramesh developed his expertise by working in very data intensive environments as an enterprise architect, application architect, and senior consultant and programmer with a very strong business and technology focus. His vertical market experience spans across Financial Services, Healthcare, Retail and Electronic Design Automation. His Silicon Valley roots taught him the valuable lesson of innovation and customer service. The motivation behind Orion was to solve a real-world need that most of the other companies had overlooked in favor of an unreliable manual approach. The road less traveled, where people dared to tread, but was taken in the spirit of innovation, that is Orion Governance today. Under his hard work, the team has grown to multiple millions in revenue in a short period of time. He is fluent in multiple languages including French, Hindi and English. His hobbies include aviation, traveling and having his three dogs take him on daily walks.
Data science lead with over 10 years’ experience helping global corporations extract business value by making decisions based on data.
Wide-ranging experience covering consumer analytics, digital marketing, personalized customer experiences, data management and machine learning.
In my current role leading a team of data scientists at Sappi, I am particularly interested in applying data science to optimize the papermaking process by reducing costs & waste, improving product quality, optimizing tasks and prolonging equipment lifespans.
A victim of its success, Siemens' Pulse Analytics, an in-house developed platform offered to internal and external users to support decision making, was struggling to keep pace with the demands of its users for super fast dashboards as data needs increased over time.
Join Christoph Malassa, Managing Consultant / Head of Analytics and Intelligence Solutions, Siemens, to discover how he googled 'what's the fastest relational database analytics’ and ended up deploying SingleStore with the following benefits:
• brought response rates from 2+ seconds down to milliseconds on queries spanning billions of rows
• removed the need for time consuming processes to get fresh data into production.
• Auto-scaling to accommodate daily users ranging from 500 to 100,000
• And much more
Now Siemens Pulse Analytics helps even the largest organizations transform complexity into operational excellence!
Data Analysts and Data Scientists invest an immense amount of time into optimizing models and interpreting data, all in the quest to promote better business decision making and more efficient product development. We oftentimes however fail to take a step back and answer the overarching question: Why does the user show the observed behavior pattern? Why does a certain variable improve the accuracy of our prediction model? Despite all the advances we have made in analytics, even predictive analytics and ML models cannot truly answer what the user was thinking and why they act in a certain way.
Adding the customer perspective into the insights equation opens up a whole new perspective on this problem. As a consequence, XING merged the User Research and Analytics departments to create a more holistic approach to insights generation. This presentation walks through the problem statements, the differences in the professional fields (analytics and research) and how the individual segments of both disciplines are complementary and lead to a more user centric decision making organization.
Target Audience: anyone open to thinking outside of the regular patterns of analytics and AI/DS
Prerequisites: none
Level: Basic
Marc Roulet is Director of Analytics, Research and SEO at XING, the leading business networking platform in Germany. In this role he supports the top management, business managers, product teams and marketing with insights to drive performance. This includes quantitative and qualitative user research, experimentation, forecasting, KPI definition, data visualization and analytical deep dives. A data evangelist at heart, Marc is dedicated to promoting a truly data driven mindset within the organization, breaking down complex data material into digestible and actionable insights for the business. Prior to his role at XING Marc worked in various leadership positions in the eBay Classifieds Group, at and at ImmobilienScout24 in Business Development and as a Marketing and Sales Analyst. Marc started his career at eBay as a Business Analyst in the Trust and Safety Department, analyzing buyer and seller behavior and deriving seller standards.
Der Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz zur Betrugserkennung bei Heilmittel- und Pflegeleistungen in der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung. Von der Pseudonymisierung und Digitalisierung der Abrechnungsbögen bis zur Analyse, Auswertung und Darstellung der Anomalien - Ein Projektbericht!
Zielpublikum: Management, Data Scientists, Data Engineers
Voraussetzungen: Experience, Curiosity
Schwierigkeitsgrad: Fortgeschritten
Team Lead and Business Development in several companies.
Team Lead, Data Mining and Neural Network Specialist
The Coronavirus lockdowns altered public transport occupation data. Ultimately, these changes in occupation data are perfect examples of sudden concept drifts that can be blockers in most machine learning deployments. We managed to overcome the obstacles by developing methods and engineering features that allowed us to adjust forecasts based on unforeseen changes in the occupation data. In this talk, we give insights into our journey from idea development to the ways how we overcame the challenges and share our learnings.
Target Audience: Data Engineers, Software Architects, AI Architects, Data Scientists
Prerequisites: Experience in Time Series. Basic understanding of machine learning
Level: Expert
Extended Abstract:
Machine learning projects often view and predict a snapshot interval of reality. We machine learning engineers often forget that the real world is not static at all.
After all, we got hit by the Coronavirus reality rendering countless machine learning models useless.
The changes in public transport occupation out of Corona lockdowns is a perfect example of these so-called concept drifts.
The instability of the machine learning models when concept drifts are appearing result in immense problems for the reliability and predictability of the AI.
Therefore, we dig into this problem and show how we solved this challenge for the case of concept dirfts in public transport occupations.
Dr. Tim Frey is co-founder of the company iunera GmbH and Co. KG. Among other things, he holds a PhD from the University of Magdeburg and loves to design data-driven scenarios and applications. His computer science background is in the area of Business Intelligence and platform architecture.
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For many years, technology gurus, transformation evangelists and many more have pictured a world that will dramatically change with incredible pace. Consequently, it was predicted that impacts on society, economy, environment, and political landscapes will leave no stone unturned. As a matter of fact, the current times feel as if these predictions have eventually become reality. The VUCA world is not only part of our daily life, but also even a nucleus in itself that demands resilience from individuals as well as societies and organizations.
While climate change and pandemics seem to be part of the “new normal”, global conflicts get closer to the western world resulting in even more severe instabilities of supply chains, natural resource availabilities and much more - clearly stretching the long-held promise of a flourishing globalization.
To avoid the “Uber yourself before you get Kodaked” pitfall, companies no matter what size are finding themselves coping with an environment that is certainly fiercer these days but at the same time allowing for new opportunities that need to be discovered and unlocked. But what’s the right strategy to capitalize on these opportunities if strategies itself are not even worth the paper written on? How to keep the pace with rapidly shortening technology lifecycles or tech innovations that don’t seem to deliver against their promise? Is it even worth to define comprehensive roadmaps on digital strategies and transformations?
In his keynote, Thomas Kleine reflects on the value of defining digital roadmaps from a company perspective. He will incorporate not only his personal experiences but also refer to his employer’s journey over the last two years specifically propelled to the frontline of fighting the COVID-19 disease. What are the key learnings and what about the half-value time of these learnings if tomorrow comes with a completely different set of challenges?
Since January 2017, Thomas Kleine has been CIO and Head of Digital at Pfizer Germany. He is a Master of Business Administration (MBA) and studied at the Universities of Osnabrück, Augsburg and Pittsburgh, PA. After graduating in 2001, he initially spent 5 years at KPMG Consulting/BearingPoint as a senior consultant before moving to Coca-Cola Germany in 2006. There he had various management positions within IT.