Presentation and positioning of one's own expertise in the market and on TDWI promotional material.
Use the swarm intelligence of the TDWI by discussing one's own content with the expert audience.
Being a mentor with a sustainable role model function for young, aspiring data experts
Shaping the future of data, BI & analytics from the core
Present your own brand and benefit from national and international reputation and reach through the conference and the TDWI community.
Free access to TDWI Munich on all three conference days
3 days of networking with your peers
3 days of high quality knowledge transfer
Expand your own level of knowledge and stay up to date in a future-oriented, cross-sectoral way
Make new contacts and thus further develop your own ideas and network
Concentrated market overview through a large trade exhibition
High-quality keynotes
One overnight stay at the TDWI conference hotel if travelling from outside Munich
Take the stress around your session and stay overnight at the TDWI conference hotel
Booking via the organiser
Booking of further overnight stays possible
Here's what speakers at the past TDWI conference had to say
Torsten Ahlemeyer arelium GmbH
"The TDWI conference is characterised by a professional audience that is divided into decision-makers/leaders and doers/developers and unites both groups."
Mirjam Cohrs Bilfinger SE
"The exchange following a presentation is exceptional and unique. You get feedback, ideas and impressions from a wide variety of perspectives and industries that expand your own horizons every time."
Raphael Branger IT-Logix AG
"The perfect on-site event for professional networking and further education. Especially as a speaker, you get valuable feedback that can flow back into your own application practice."
Britta Hilt IS Predict GmbH
"High-quality conference contributions and discussions from practitioners to practitioners. Gladly again at any time."
Julian Ereth Pragmatic Apps / TDWI Young Guns
"The TDWI conference is one of the few vendor-independent data conferences in the German-speaking region. For me as a speaker, this is reflected in the high quality of the programme and the very good discussions during and between the sessions."
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