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Track: #Keynote

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  • Montag
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, (Montag, 20.Juni 2022)
09:30 - 10:30
ERÖFFNUNG und KEYNOTE: Welcome to the Real World: Data, Science and Supply Chain network optimization at Amazon
ERÖFFNUNG und KEYNOTE: Welcome to the Real World: Data, Science and Supply Chain network optimization at Amazon

Have you ever ordered a product on Amazon websites and, when the box arrived, wondered how you got it so fast, how much it would have cost Amazon, how much carbon it emitted and what kinds of systems & processes must be running behind the scenes to power the whole operation?

Let’s take a look behind the scenes and open the doors of Amazon Data and Analytics teams to explore how the combination of our people and our advanced algorithms are working together to deliver to our customers millions of diverse products every day all across the globe. 

From the moment we order products from our vendor partners, until we deliver to our customer doorsteps, we use dozens of systems, pieces of software, Machine Learning algorithms and Petabytes of data to optimize our operations. Together, they orchestrate what we call our fulfillment network and optimize the reliability, delivery speed, cost and carbon emissions of our products, packages and trucks. 

Together, we will follow the journey of a customer order, and dive into the different steps of our fulfillment operations:

  1. Forecasting how much volume will flow on our network
  2. Buying the right quantities and placing our inventory at the right location
  3. Designing an efficient outbound network
  4. Executing operational excellence to delight customers

We strive to be the earth’s most customer centric company, today let’s take a look into what it means! 

Dominique Vitali is Director of the EU Customer Experience team at Amazon and in charge of Supply Chain and Transportation network optimization through analytics for the European customers – Delivery accuracy/Delivery
Speed/Fulfillment Cost Reduction/Carbon Intensity reduction. Managing a team of 25 analysts, program managers and data scientists.

Dominique Vitali
Dominique Vitali
Track: #Keynote
Vortrag: KeyMo1

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18:45 - 19:30
SPECIAL KEYNOTE: Haie, Höhlen, tiefes Wasser – Expeditionen unter dem Meer
SPECIAL KEYNOTE: Haie, Höhlen, tiefes Wasser – Expeditionen unter dem Meer

Im Leben des Unterwasserfotografen und Terra X Moderators Uli Kunz bedeutet ein Büro-Tag, dass er von winzigen Booten ins bodenlose Blau des Meeres springt, von Haien umringt oder von Robben angeknabbert wird, mit 150 Kilogramm Ausrüstung durch wassergefüllte Höhlen schwimmt, gefährliche Geisternetze aus dem Wasser zieht oder singenden Walen in der Arktis lauscht.
Der Meeresbiologe nimmt regelmäßig an abenteuerlichen Forschungsexpeditionen teil, von denen er faszinierende Unterwasserfotos mit nach Hause bringt. Für die aufwendigen Arbeiten in der Tiefe gelten die gleichen Prinzipien wie an Land: Projekte müssen genau geplant und effizient durchgeführt werden, die Mitglieder des Teams müssen motiviert miteinander kommunizieren und der Umgang mit riskanten Situationen muss mehrfach trainiert werden. Selbstüberschätzung führt bei der Bedienung einer Kaffeemaschine meist nur zu unschönen Flecken und schlechtem Geschmack. Beim Tauchen stellt sie ein tödliches Risiko dar.
In seiner Show berichtet Uli Kunz von denkwürdigen Begegnungen mit den faszinierenden Lebewesen der Ozeane, von gewaltigen Unterwasserwäldern, neugierigen Robben und riesigen Buckelwalen, von denen er fast verschluckt wurde. Da er die Begegnung heil überstanden hat, kann er nun auch davon erzählen...
Uli möchte mit seinen Erzählungen und Bildern den Schutz der Ozeane vorantreiben, den größten Lebensraum auf der Erde, dessen Geheimnisse wir gerade erst zu verstehen beginnen. 

Im Leben des Unterwasserfotografen und Terra X Moderators Uli Kunz bedeutet ein Büro-Tag, dass er von winzigen Booten ins bodenlose Blau des Meeres springt, von Haien umringt oder von Robben angeknabbert wird, mit 150 Kilogramm Ausrüstung durch wassergefüllte Höhlen schwimmt, gefährliche Geisternetze aus dem Wasser zieht oder singenden Walen in der Arktis lauscht.

Uli Kunz
Uli Kunz
Track: #Keynote
Vortrag: KeyMo2

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, (Dienstag, 21.Juni 2022)
12:15 - 13:00
KEYNOTE: The information enabled company – a long way to digital transformation
KEYNOTE: The information enabled company – a long way to digital transformation

Digital transformation is in a way a never-ending journey. Recent trends put high expectations on AI technologies for process automation, insight generation and decision support. In Hilti, we see information generated from our data as substantial contribution to the success of our business. 
We will describe how we put the user and the usage of information in the center of our initiative of an information enabled company. Hilti’s journey towards process, data and system consolidation serves as an excellent foundation for that. We present the foundational technologies we put in place to manage the increasing amount and variety of data, as well as our “Integrated Information Management” approach. We will especially focus on advanced analytics and AI and give examples for successful implementations, but also highlight challenges, especially when it comes to change management and taking the organization along.

In his function as Head of Information Management in Global IT, Ralf Diekmann is responsible for all reporting, data engineering, and analytics solutions of Hilti AG globally. Ralf holds a PhD in Computer Science from the Paderborn Center of Parallel Computing. He joined Hilti AG 22 years ago as research engineer and since then held various positions in business and IT incl. Global Process responsibility, SAP implementation manager, Head of Process Governance, and various leadership functions in Hilti’s Global IT department. 

Andreas Wagner is leading the Data Science team at Hilti. In this role he is delivering DS projects, shaping the DS strategy at Hilti, recruiting Data Scientists and further developing the necessary ML toolbox. Andreas Wagner has more than five years’ experience in this field and is nine years at Hilti. Andreas holds a PhD in theoretical Physics. 

Ralf Diekmann, Andreas Wagner
Ralf Diekmann, Andreas Wagner
Track: #Keynote
Vortrag: KeyDi

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, (Mittwoch, 22.Juni 2022)
15:30 - 16:15
KEYNOTE: VUCA-World on speed – keeping the promise of digitalization roadmaps in turbulent times
KEYNOTE: VUCA-World on speed – keeping the promise of digitalization roadmaps in turbulent times

For many years, technology gurus, transformation evangelists and many more have pictured a world that will dramatically change with incredible pace. Consequently, it was predicted that impacts on society, economy, environment, and political landscapes will leave no stone unturned. As a matter of fact, the current times feel as if these predictions have eventually become reality. The VUCA world is not only part of our daily life, but also even a nucleus in itself that demands resilience from individuals as well as societies and organizations. 
While climate change and pandemics seem to be part of the “new normal”, global conflicts get closer to the western world resulting in even more severe instabilities of supply chains, natural resource availabilities and much more - clearly stretching the long-held promise of a flourishing globalization. 
To avoid the “Uber yourself before you get Kodaked” pitfall, companies no matter what size are finding themselves coping with an environment that is certainly fiercer these days but at the same time allowing for new opportunities that need to be discovered and unlocked. But what’s the right strategy to capitalize on these opportunities if strategies itself are not even worth the paper written on? How to keep the pace with rapidly shortening technology lifecycles or tech innovations that don’t seem to deliver against their promise? Is it even worth to define comprehensive roadmaps on digital strategies and transformations? 
In his keynote, Thomas Kleine reflects on the value of defining digital roadmaps from a company perspective. He will incorporate not only his personal experiences but also refer to his employer’s journey over the last two years specifically propelled to the frontline of fighting the COVID-19 disease. What are the key learnings and what about the half-value time of these learnings if tomorrow comes with a completely different set of challenges? 

Since January 2017, Thomas Kleine has been CIO and Head of Digital at Pfizer Germany. He is a Master of Business Administration (MBA) and studied at the Universities of Osnabrück, Augsburg and Pittsburgh, PA. After graduating in 2001, he initially spent 5 years at KPMG Consulting/BearingPoint as a senior consultant before moving to Coca-Cola Germany in 2006. There he had various management positions within IT.

Thomas Kleine
Thomas Kleine
Track: #Keynote
Vortrag: KeyMi

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