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Track: #Case study

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, (Montag, 20.Juni 2022)
13:00 - 13:30
ROOM F127 | Active Metadata - so viel mehr als nur ein Schlagwort!
ROOM F127 | Active Metadata - so viel mehr als nur ein Schlagwort!

Seit Jahren setzen unsere Kunden auf die Ab Initio Plattform zur Datenintegration, Datenbewirtschaftung und für Data Governance.
Der Fokus liegt dabei auf komplexen Systemlandschaften, und schon jetzt nutzen viele Kunden ihre Metadaten für die Governance.
Der nächste Schritt ist es nun, diese Metadaten auch viel mehr für die Steuerung der Produktionsprozesse und somit Automatisation und Self-Service zu verwenden.
Ein solches System stellen wir Ihnen in diesem Vortrag live vor.
Voilà: Active Metadata!

Seit 17 Jahren arbeitet Peter als Architekt mit Kunden weltweit an der Planung und Umsetzung von großen und komplexen Systemen.
Besonders angetan hat es ihm dabei die Definition und Umsetzung dieser Systeme mit Hilfe von Metadaten.
Vor langer Zeit hat er sich beschäftigt mit Data Mining und dem wissenschaftlichen Höchstleistungsrechnen.

Peter Ossadnik
Peter Ossadnik
Vortrag: CSmo2

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, (Dienstag, 21.Juni 2022)
13:45 - 14:15
ROOM E105 | Migration to the cloud - Automation is the key to efficiency!
ROOM E105 | Migration to the cloud - Automation is the key to efficiency!

You've heard why companies use data warehouse automation (DWA) software, but what is the long-term impact on the business?

Maximilian Vollmer from  Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles explains practically and from personal experience how the team has changed its way of working since the introduction of WhereScape DWA over 5 years ago and how this has affected the business.

Maximilian Vollmer
Maximilian Vollmer
Vortrag: CSdi2

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13:45 - 14:15
ROOM E101/102 | Interactive machine learning predictions using microservices and Tableau
ROOM E101/102 | Interactive machine learning predictions using microservices and Tableau

Bringing advanced analytics to end users through well-established reporting tools can be challenging. The solution we present in this talk enables business users to directly receive machine learning (ML) predictions for their custom selections in Tableau. We use Big Data and AWS (PySpark) technologies for our ML pipeline. The ML models are then deployed to MLflow and two-way communication to Tableau is ensured through APIs.

Johannes Mellenthin promovierte in Teilchenphysik an der Universität Göttingen und am CERN. Er hat langjährige Erfahrung im Consulting im Bereich Data Science. Neben der technischen Implementierung von End-to-End-Machine-Learning-Lösungen konzentriert er sich auf die Identifizierung von Möglichkeiten für Unternehmen, langfristig den größten Nutzen aus ihren Daten zu ziehen.

Johannes Mellenthin completed his doctorate in Particle Physics at the University of Göttingen and CERN. He has several years of experience in consulting in the Data Science sector. Besides the technical implementation of end-to-end Machine Learning solutions, he focuses on identifying opportunities for businesses to get the most value out of their data.

Johannes Mellenthin
Johannes Mellenthin
Vortrag: CSdi3

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13:45 - 14:15
ROOM F130 | Moderne Datenarchitektur: Digitalisierungsstrategie bei Europas größter Beauty-Plattform DOUGLAS
ROOM F130 | Moderne Datenarchitektur: Digitalisierungsstrategie bei Europas größter Beauty-Plattform DOUGLAS

DOUGLAS ist führender Anbieter für Beauty Produkte mit über 2.000 Ladengeschäfte in Europa. In den letzten Jahren etablierte das Unternehmen eine sehr erfolgreiche Online-Beauty-Plattform mit mehreren Onlineshops. Erfahren Sie in diesem Vortrag direkt vom Principal Project Manager Data Thomas Borlik wie es DOUGLAS geschafft hat, mit einer modernen Datenarchitektur diesen Ausbau zu unterstützen. Dank zentralisierter Daten haben die Mitarbeiter und das Management schneller als je zuvor nun die Chance, anwendbare Erkenntnisse aus den Daten zu gewinnen. Durch diesen Schritt konnte insbesondere der manuelle Aufwand bei der Reporterstellung stark reduziert werden, sodass Analysten nun noch tiefer in die Daten einsteigen können. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme!

Thomas Borlik hat im Beratungs- und Agenturumfeld einschlägige Erfahrung mit Datenprojekten sammeln können. Als PMP-zertifizierter Projektmanager hat er früh seinen Fokus auf dieses zukunftsträchtige Thema gelegt und ist nun bei DOUGLAS als Principal Project Manager Data tätig. Dort leitet er strategische Datenprojekte und treibt die Etablierung des "Data Offices" voran.

Thomas Borlik
Thomas Borlik
Vortrag: CSdi4

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13:45 - 14:15
ROOM K3 | Analytics Innovation: Proven Case Studies and Strategies that Work
ROOM K3 | Analytics Innovation: Proven Case Studies and Strategies that Work

Embracing a holistic analytics across an organization can make it more innovative, agile, and successful. For instance, data democratization makes analytics more accessible and this leads to better-informed decisions. Modernizing data warehouses reduces complexity and improves reporting. Using hybrid cloud deployment strategies can increase the ability to analyze data no matter where it resides.

In this presentation, we will discuss how companies across different verticals are planning and implementing data warehouse modernization, data democratization, and hybrid cloud migration, improving revenue and efficiency to ensure market leadership.   

Dieter works in Vertica presales engineering for the German speaking countries.
His mission is to analyze our customer’s goals and infrastructure to make their Big Data Analytics projects successful through the Vertica Unified Analytics Platform.

With over 35 years of experience in presales, project management and consulting in the database industry, Dieter brings a deep understanding of data and organizations. He leads his customers to success during the entire project lifecycle from discovery to successful project launches.
Prior to Vertica, Dieter worked as project manager and consultant at Teradata and in the R&D organization at IBM as presales and software engineer. Dieter graduated with two master degrees in computer science and organizational psychology.

In his free time Dieter is a chess player and runner.

Dieter Capek
Dieter Capek
Vortrag: CSdi5

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13:45 - 14:15
ROOM F111 | Delivering Data Intelligence - The Collibra Data Intelligence Platform
ROOM F111 | Delivering Data Intelligence - The Collibra Data Intelligence Platform

In his talk Paul Dietrich describes what 'United by Data' means to Collibra's customers and ways to support those 66% of companies which still struggle to turn their data into useful insights.

Paul leads the Collibra Field Teams for the Nordics and DACH region. He joined Collibra in early 2019 after eight years with where he built teams for different regions in Germany. Prior to that, he held international Enterprise Sales and Business Development roles at Gartner (CEB) and BBDO. He is passionate about helping Collibra customers to use data as a shared language to drive empathy, understanding, and successful business outcomes.

Paul Dietrich
Paul Dietrich
Vortrag: CSdi6

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, (Mittwoch, 22.Juni 2022)
13:15 - 13:45
ROOM E124 | Self-service insights on demand for all at Frontify
ROOM E124 | Self-service insights on demand for all at Frontify

To improve business outcomes, SaaS software provider Frontify aimed to empower all its 200 employees with fast, self-service insights from one version of data truth. To this end, Frontify’s data team migrated from its legacy infrastructure to a low-latency, modern data stack comprising Snowflake, Fivetran, and ThoughtSpot, and is on a mission to drive adoption and business impact. - “Data for all” is now well within reach.

Sibel is an experienced data leader with a demonstrated history of working in technology companies in various industries, including Frontify, Ava Women, eBay and PayPal. She has a deep understanding of the data technology space and analytics methodologies. She is passionate about building powerful data capabilities, has a deep focus on data quality, and is a strong advocate for data literacy.

In case you don't know Cindi, she is a fantastic data analytics thought leader and expert with a flair for bridging business needs with technology.   As Chief Data Strategy Officer at ThoughtSpot, she advises top clients and partners on data strategy and best practices to become data-driven. Cindi is also host of the Data Chief Podcast, a top 10 podcast in the data and analytics category. Cindi was previously a Gartner research Vice President, as the lead author for the data and analytics maturity model and analytics and BI Magic Quadrant, and a popular keynote speaker.  She introduced new research in data and AI for good, NLP/BI Search, and augmented analytics and brought both the BI bake-offs and innovation panels to Gartner globally. She’s rated a top 12 influencer in big data and analytics by Onalytca, Solutions Review, Humans of Data.  Prior to joining Gartner, she was the founder of BI Scorecard, a resource for in-depth product reviews based on exclusive hands-on testing, a contributor to Information Week, and the author of several books including Successful Business Intelligence: Unlock the Value of BI & Big Data and SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.0: The Complete Reference.  She served as The Data Warehousing Institute (TDWI) faculty member for more than a decade.  Prior to founding BI Scorecard, Howson was a manager at Deloitte & Touche and a BI standards leader for Dow Chemical in Switzerland.

Sibel Atasoy Wuersch, Cindi Howson
Sibel Atasoy Wuersch, Cindi Howson
Vortrag: CSmi2

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13:15 - 13:45
ROOM F111 | Mastering Data and AI with Dataiku
ROOM F111 | Mastering Data and AI with Dataiku

Shamim works as a Senior Data Engineer at Data Reply. He specializes in building Data Pipelines, Data Lakes and  Kubernetes architecture and development. He has also worked on building end to end Machine Learning pipelines for production-grade machine learning applications.

Shamim Ahmed
Shamim Ahmed
Vortrag: CSmi3

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13:15 - 13:45
ROOM E119 | Case Study: BARC - Supercharge Your Data Knowledge with Agile Data Intelligence
ROOM E119 | Case Study: BARC - Supercharge Your Data Knowledge with Agile Data Intelligence

In this joint session presented by Ramesh Shurma, CEO, Orion Governance and Timm Grosser, Senior Analyst Data & Analytics at BARC, we will share the newest 2022 BARC findings. 

For highly distributed data landscape with growing data volumes, extensive data movement is not a viable concept. Data warehouse, data lakes, data lakehouses approaches are reviewed and experts discuss modern concepts such as data fabric. These have the objective of reducing the complexity and scope of data processes while increasing flexibility and agility. It also aims to simplify data access and use, especially for business users.

Our survey (BARC Data Black Holes, 2021) concludes that it is mainly a lack of available documentation and explicit knowledge  that stands in the way of achieving these goals. Such explicit knowledge is available extensively in the organization, namely in the form of metadata, but collecting metadata is a difficult and time-consuming process. Without a smart and automated approach, it is doomed to fail. This is where Agile Data Intelligence comes in. Similar to how Data Fabric helps stitch together the organization's business data landscape, agile data intelligence is the corresponding metadata fabric. In this presentation, we'll talk about Agile Data Intelligence's three core capabilities for building a Metadata Fabric. They lend a Data Intelligence Platform the necessary agility to be operated effectively and efficiently.

Timm Grosser is a Senior Analyst Data & Analytics at the Business Application Research Center (BARC) with a focus on Data & Analytics.

His core competencies are the definition of data & analytics strategies, data governance, organization, architecture and tool selection. He is a well-known speaker at conferences and seminars and author of numerous BARC market studies and professional articles.

Ramesh Shurma is the founder and CEO of Orion Governance Inc.  Prior to starting Orion, Ramesh developed his expertise by working in very data intensive environments as an enterprise architect, application architect, and senior consultant and programmer with a very strong business and technology focus.  His vertical market experience spans across Financial Services, Healthcare, Retail and Electronic Design Automation.  His Silicon Valley roots taught him the valuable lesson of innovation and customer service.  The motivation behind Orion was to solve a real-world need that most of the other companies had overlooked in favor of an unreliable manual approach.  The road less traveled, where people dared to tread, but was taken in the spirit of innovation, that is Orion Governance today.  Under his hard work, the team has grown to multiple millions in revenue in a short period of time.  He is fluent in multiple languages including French, Hindi and English.  His hobbies include aviation, traveling and having his three dogs take him on daily walks.

Timm Grosser, Ramesh Shurma
Timm Grosser, Ramesh Shurma
Vortrag: CSmi4

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13:15 - 13:45
ROOM K4 | Our Data Science Journey at Sappi: From RCA to Auto Model Monitoring
ROOM K4 | Our Data Science Journey at Sappi: From RCA to Auto Model Monitoring

Data science lead with over 10 years’ experience helping global corporations extract business value by making decisions based on data.
Wide-ranging experience covering consumer analytics, digital marketing, personalized customer experiences, data management and machine learning.

In my current role leading a team of data scientists at Sappi, I am particularly interested in applying data science to optimize the papermaking process by reducing costs & waste, improving product quality, optimizing tasks and prolonging equipment lifespans.

Mark Bowe
Mark Bowe
Vortrag: CSmi5

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13:15 - 13:45
ROOM F129 | Making Smart Decisions at the speed of business - Siemens Pulse Analytics powered by SingleStore
ROOM F129 | Making Smart Decisions at the speed of business - Siemens Pulse Analytics powered by SingleStore

A victim of its success, Siemens' Pulse Analytics, an in-house developed platform offered to internal and external users to support decision making, was struggling to keep pace with the demands of its users for super fast dashboards as data needs increased over time.

Join Christoph Malassa, Managing Consultant / Head of Analytics and Intelligence Solutions, Siemens, to discover how he googled 'what's the fastest relational database analytics’ and ended up deploying SingleStore with the following benefits:
•    brought response rates from 2+ seconds down to milliseconds on queries spanning billions of rows
•    removed the need for time consuming processes to get fresh data into production.
•    Auto-scaling to accommodate daily users ranging from 500 to 100,000
•    And much more
Now Siemens Pulse Analytics helps even the largest organizations transform complexity into operational excellence!


Christoph Malassa
Christoph Malassa
Vortrag: CSmi6

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