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Track: #Data Management
- Mittwoch
Petrol is Slovenian company that operates in 8 countries in SEE with 5BEUR annual revenue. As traditional publicly-owned company, Petrol has faced necessity for transformation to stay ahead in highly competitive market. Use of BIA was mainly reactive, but in recent years it has transformed into competitive advantage by using cloud technologies and industry specific analytical models and focusing on the content and creating business value. This value is now being leveraged as competitive advantage through proactive use of data and analytics.
Target Audience: Decision Makers, Data Architects, Project Managers
Prerequisites: None
Level: Basic
Extended Abstract:
Petrol is Slovenian company that operates in 8 countries in SEE with 5BEUR annual revenue. Main business activity is trading in oil derivatives, gas and other energy products in which Petrol generates more than 80 percent of all sales revenue and it also has a leading market share in the Slovenian market. Petrol also trades with consumer goods and services, with which it generates just under 20 percent of the revenue. Use of BIA was mainly reactive, but in recent years it has transformed into competitive advantage by using cloud technologies and industry specific analytical models and focusing on the content and creating business value. This value is now being leveraged as competitive advantage through proactive use of data and analytics. Presentation will cover main business challenges, explain technology architecture and approach and discuss results after three years of system development and use.
Andreja Stirn is Business Intelligence Director with more than 20 years of experience working in the Oil & Energy and Telco industry. Skilled in Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence, Corporate Performance Management, Market Research and People Management.
Dražen Orešcanin is Solution Architect in variety of DWH, BI and Big Data Analytics applications, with more than 25 years of experience in projects in largest companies in Europe, US and Middle East. Main architect of PI industry standard DWH models. Advised Companies include operators from DTAG, A1 Group, Telenor Group, Ooredoo Group, Liberty Global, United Group, Elisa Finland, STC and many companies in other industries such as FMCG and utilities.
Vortrag Teilen
Zum Management einer Bonus Club Karten Lösung mit mehreren Geschäftspartnern musste binnen kürzester Zeit eine BIA Lösung aufgebaut werden.
Im Vortrag wird gezeigt wie die Anbindung der Geschäftspartner über Cloud und OnPrem Komponenten erfolgt und mittlerweile seit Beginn dieses Projektes 16 individuelle Partner DWH Lösungen inkl. einer Unified DWH Lösung aufgebaut wurden.
Die DWH Lösungen selbst wurden On Prem implementiert. Die Reporting Anbindung der Geschäftspartner inkl. der Data Mart Schicht liegt dann wieder in einer Cloud Umgebung. Im Vortrag wird auf die Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze im Zuge der Umsetzung dieser komplexen hybriden Architektur eingegangen.
Gregor Zeiler ist seit dreißig Jahren in verschiedenen Funktionen in der Business Intelligence-Beratung tätig. Im Zuge seiner beruflichen Tätigkeit konnte er umfangreiche Projekterfahrung in vielen Branchen und auf Basis eines breiten Technologiespektrums sammeln. Zahlreiche Publikationen und Vorträge begleiten seine berufliche Tätigkeit. Als CEO bei biGENIUS AG kommt er seiner Passion die Prozesse in der Entwicklung von Data Analytics Lösungen zu optimieren nach.
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